Author: Brian Stephenson
Preparations Before You Buy A Scottish fold
You Shouldn’t buy a Scottish Fold! Not until you have a clear answer to to the questions bellow. Otherwise it is highly possible that your fold will end up in a pet shelter or worse abandoned & alone. People who abandon pets are not strange bad people. They are the neighbour next door. It can…
Scottish Fold Cost Of Buying and Owning
Are you sure you can afford that lovely little kitten you want? It is not only their acquisition cost that might be tough to reach but also their maintenance costs. Scottish folds need a little more money spent on their nutrition and total care as well as their medical expenses in order to keep them…
Building and maintaining a good relationship with your Scottish Fold
Broken hearts. Broken Relationships. We all have problems when dealing with other people but many of us on top of that face problems even with our pets! These little creatures that were supposed to be a pleasant, positive energy in our life. What went wrong? Obviously it’s not the cats or dogs who have become…
Scottish Folds & Vaccines
Vaccination is a very important aspect of keeping your Scottish fold healthy. It protects from certain diseases but it also protects you. There are diseases that can be transferred from your cat to you so vaccination is important for your health as well. Vaccination comes at a low price to pay but it is not…
Keeping your Scottish fold Healthy and Fit
Imagine playing with your Scottish fold kitten. He or she pounces you and you fight back with your hands or feet. Fighting and playing is a very entertaining experience for both, the kitten and you. If only you’d knew that this is wrong. Why? We will return on this in a minute. Scottish folds more…
Scottish Fold Common Illnesses & How to Handle Them
Scottish folds have a nasty reputation when it comes to their predisposition to diseases. When the breed first came to life many diseases were associated with the breed. From all these only two indeed affect Scottish folds. Genetic Diseases & Osteochondrodysplasia (OCD) As we have discussed in previous article, Scottish folds have a tendency towards…
How & What Your Scottish Fold Should Eat – A guide to proper nutrition
Do you want to avoid serious, chronic and untreatable disease from an early age? Then you should pay close attention to the diet you feed your Scottish fold. Bad choices in their plates can lead to serious problems from an early age. Dry Food Dry food is one of the major reasons of havoc for…
Neutering & Spaying Your Scottish Fold
Spaying & Neutering has recently become more popular across the globe. Even so there is still a large portion of the cat population that is not altered. The question of whether or not you should spay/neuter your cat is a tough one and has no easy answer. There are pros and cons in both situations…
Scottish Folds As They Age And How to Handle Them
The time has come. Your cute little kitten has grown old enough to become a senior cat. Senior cats are just like elderly humans. They can become strange and suffer from any kind of disease at any time as they reach their biological limits. Also modern urban cats have significantly increased their lifespans and keep…
Breeding Your Scottish Fold and Handling A Pregnancy
Thinking about breeding your favourite cat? Great! Get ready for an amazing experience, we have a mini HowTo guide to help you breed your fold. Just make sure that the kittens will have a quality life and won’t end up abandoned! Let’s start. Preparation When mating a Scottish fold there are a few things you…
Indoor vs Outdoor Lifestyle For Cats and Folds
You should only let your cat indoors, period. This is the advice many cat experts give and they have their reasons. On the other hand indoor cats show a variety of psychological and behavioural problems in the long run. After all, no one wants to live forever in a prison. The Urban Cat The problem…
Transportation 101
The time has come, you’ve lived for many months with your fold and you want to travel. But you know folds hate staying alone and you have nobody to live him/her home. So you decide to take your fold with you. Here are some things you should have in mind. One of the most important…